Sunday, January 6, 2008

Devin Danehy Writes: Pete Rose And “The Ban”--- Add Argument #10

1.) Several Hall of Fame Members have been convicted of crimes that are currently in the Hall of Fame.

2.) There is no evidence that Pete ever bet against his own team. By the way, it is too bad that some players are not forced to do that---- they might play a little harder.

3.) There is no evidence that Pete ever bet as a player.

4.) The Hall of Fame “ban” for Pete was directed at him as a player vs. a manager which is illogical.

5.) Pete Rose is broadly viewed as a key contributor to the success of MLB in the 70’s, baseball’s “Hey Day”.

6.) Pete Rose arguably has a gambling disorder which is clinical in nature similar to drug problems. Hundreds of MLB players have used illegal drugs, allowed to enter rehab, and subsequently re-enter MLB.

7.) Pete Rose was one of the most hated players of his time because of his ruthless, competitive nature. The “ban” on Pete Rose is laced with “payback” from many of the Baseball Establishment from that era.

8.) There is no evidence that Pete Rose’s behavior ever caused “harm” to MLB.

9.) Pete Rose is largely being punished for his lack of candor (i.e. lying), which although vigilante justice, really has nothing to do with the relevant facts.

10.) No reasonable person could argue to ban Pete Rose when dozens if not hundreds of MLB players are not banned from the sport while grossly impacting the integrity of the game through illegal and banned performance enhancing drugs

I do not know Pete Rose nor am I a Pete Rose fanatic, but as a relatively unbiased sports fan, the “powers that be” need to get in the real world and operate with a little more justice.

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